Title of the invited presentation:
« Long-range structure of self-assembled ionic liquids for efficient transport »
Manuel Marechal is CNRS researcher in the laboratory of Molecular Systems and nanoMaterials for Energy and Health (SyMMES) in Grenoble. He holds a PhD in electrochemistry from Grenoble-INP (2004) and a habilitation diploma (HDR) from the University Grenoble Alpes (2016).
He spent two years (2005-2007) as a post-doctoral fellow/teaching assistant at the University of Victoria (B.C., Canada) and two additional years (2007-2009) as an assistant professor in the chemistry department of the University Grenoble Alpes (UGA) while doing his research in the UMR5819-SPrAM lab. He was then hired in 2009 as a CNRS researcher at UMR5279-LEPMI lab, and joined UMR5819-SyMMES lab in 2015.
His research interests deal with i) studying the interplay between structure and ionic transport in « soft » electrolytic matter, and ii) the electrochemistry for/by Large Scale (Neutron and Synchrotron) Facilities. The studied electrolytes (gels, block copolymers, ionic liquids (crystals), and hybrid membranes) are of interest for applications in energy conversion and storage devices.